News 07/11/2016 Abstract accepted at ESMAC 07/08/2016 A new member of the IntelliGait team 06/13/2016 Team Update 06/09/2016 Project Presentation in front of NFB funding authority 05/11/2016 Consortial Meeting #3 04/28/2016 SONIGait in Journal of Multimodal User Interfaces 04/06/2016 SONIGait Presented at FFH 2016 03/27/2016 Intra-rater reliability study started 03/17/2016 Kick-Off Meeting at the Rehabilitation Center Weißer Hof 03/14/2016 Project start of IntelliGait 03/07/2016 3rd meeting of the Children’s Knees project at the Medical University of Vienna 03/03/2016 Consortial Meeting #2 1 ... 7 8 9 ... 11