
Mag. Dr. Yvonne Prinzellner Bakk.

  • Senior Researcher
    Center for Digital Health and Social Innovation
Location: B - Campus-Platz 1

Study programmes

  • Digital Marketing (MA)
  • Digital Marketing and Communication (MA)
  • Management and Digital Business (BA)
  • Marketing and Communication (BA)


  • Digital Business and Innovation


Prinzellner, Y., Wetzstein, I., & Simon, A. (2022, 6. - 18. 6). Looks are(n’t) everything – How Beauty Boys approach intersectional aspects on YouTube. 11th European Feminist Research Conference, Milano, Italien.
Wetzstein, I., & Prinzellner, Y. (2021). Towards more realism? Challenging the aesthetization of pregnant bodies on social media. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 17 (2), 199–204.
Wetzstein, I., & Prinzellner, Y. (2021). Far-away femicides and proximate relationship tragedies: How place and race frame deadly violence against women in German-language media publics. the 8th European Communication Conference (ECREA 2021 Conference), online.